Cigar Oracle


Your Personal AI Cigar Connoisseur

Step into the future of cigar enjoyment with Cigar Oracle, where tradition meets technology

Key Features

Chat Based

Forget the hassle of navigating around complex apps. Everything Cigar Oracle can do, can be done by a simple chat message to your AI assistant.

Log Your Smokes

Keep track of what you smoked and when you smoked it.

Review Your Smokes

Record notes for the cigars you try and keep track of what you like or what you didn’t like.

Get Cigar Recommendations

Use AI technology to get detailed cigar recommendations. Use your own cigar reviews to get even more accurate reccomendations.

Cigar Pairings

Do you enjoy a bourbon or a specific coffee blend when you smoke? Your AI assistant will pair you with a refreshment that will enhance your smoking experience with better accuracy than any renown tobacconists.

Newcomer Assistance

Cigar Oracle is designed for newcomers and decade-long enjoyers alike, but your AI assistant is the ideal companion to answer any questions and show you everything from cutting a cigar to getting the perfect burn.

Blending Tradition with Technology, Cigar Oracle is your Ultimate Cigar Guide

Welcome to Cigar Oracle, the nexus where the time-honored tradition of cigar appreciation meets the dynamic world of artificial intelligence.

Our state-of-the-art AI chat assistant is at your disposal 24/7. Curious about a new blend? Want to find the perfect pairing for your favorite cigar? Or maybe you’re looking to expand your horizons with new experiences? Ask our chat assistant, and it will guide you based on an extensive database of cigars and your personal taste preferences.

Beyond recommendations, Cigar Oracle also offers a seamless platform to track your cigar journey. Document your experiences, rate your favorites, and watch as your digital humidor grows with your taste. Your personal cigar history will further fine-tune our AI’s understanding of your palate, refining its recommendations over time.

So Easy, Grandpa Could Use It

Ease of use is at the heart of Cigar Oracle. We understand that navigating a complex app can be daunting for some users, especially those not as familiar with modern technology.

That’s why we’ve designed our platform around a chat-based interface. Much like having a conversation with a knowledgeable friend, you can simply ask our AI assistant any questions or make requests in a chat window.

It’s as easy as sending a text message, something most of us do every day. No need to worry about complex menus, settings, or difficult-to-navigate features.

Just type in your question or request, and our intelligent assistant will guide you through the rest. We’ve designed Cigar Oracle to be accessible and enjoyable for everyone, no matter their level of tech-savviness. Because the love of cigars transcends age and technology.